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Citation 500-0081 with 6,750 TT, 3375/2435 SOH, 1064/641 SHOT, Garmin 530A & 430A with FM Immunity, EASA certified.
Citation 500-0081 with 6,750 TT, 3375/2435 SOH, 1064/641 SHOT, Garmin 530A & 430A with FM Immunity, EASA certified.
Citation 500-0081 with 6,750 TT, 3375/2435 SOH, 1064/641 SHOT, Garmin 530A & 430A with FM Immunity, EASA certified.
See spec sheet for details
Landings - 6920
The aircraft has a luxury interior with Blue leather seats. Blue wool carpeting and ultra suede headliners
manufactured by Poltrona Frau.
6 Place of Seat with 1 place aft seat with a flush potty sofa creates a roomy, comfortable and functional
environment for 7 adults.
The interior includes a refreshment centre with bar as a optional, Also a right hand drawer under one seat
and cabin writing tables at the club seats. In the cockpit have a monorail sun visors.
Very nice leather 10/10.