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TT 3899.7, SMOH 30 hrs O-470-50 P PONK Golden Eagle Conversion 285 HP Continuous, O/H American Aircraft Eng, SPOH 3 Blade McCauley D3A34C401/90DFA-4, Fresh annual, U.S. REG. / Take Super Cub Trade / Can deliver Canadian registered
TT 3899.7, SMOH 30 hrs O-470-50 P PONK Golden Eagle Conversion 285 HP Continuous, O/H American Aircraft Eng, SPOH 3 Blade McCauley D3A34C401/90DFA-4, Fresh annual, U.S. REG. / Take Super Cub Trade / Can deliver Canadian registered
1975 Cessna 180J, TT 3899.7, SMOH 30 hrs O-470-50 P PONK Golden Eagle Conversion 285 HP Continuous, O/H American Aircraft Eng, SPOH 3 Blade McCauley D3A34C401/90DFA-4, Fresh annual, U.S. REG. / Take Super Cub Trade / Can deliver Canadian registered.
This aircraft is without a doubt one of the best performing 180's anywhere. I have flown this plane into lakes and strips that no other 180 or 185 can get in and out of. Put the wheel gear on for an IFR platform with a cruise speed of 160 on 12gph or fly slow with confidence into those hard to reach strips. On the floats you can go to those lakes you have only heard of to camp or fish while still keeping the plane at your home airport. This is a true all around versatile plane that allows you to fly every kind of trip imaginable.