No Known Primary Airframe Damage History,
Paint and Fabric: Grey with Blue and Red. Mostly in "Like New" condition,
Tail-Cone FOD Barrier,
Yak-Sack in Rear Canopy,
Extended Range 13.8 Gallon Tank,
Night Flight Equipped with Strobe/Recognition Lights,
Includes 2 Seat Pan,
XeVision Landing Light for Exceptional Night and Pattern Visibility,
New Throttle Cables,
Modified Oil Pump-Reduces Oil Leakage on Belly,
Quick Drain to Avoid Hydraulic Lock,
Ground Heater-115V Plug-in Style,
Substantial Engine Work Recently Completed by M-14P, Inc. Including:
Complete teardown and inspection,
Gearbox parts and Propshaft Magnaflux,
Replaced Engine Bearing,
Replaced Gaskets and Seals,
EXTENSIVE Renovation Project in 2012 - Much of Aircraft Like New,
New or Overhauled Flap And Gear Handles,
Flap and Gear Actuators Overhauled,
OVERHAULED Air Compressor,
OVERHAULED and Upgraded M-9F Magnetos,
Numerous Other Inspections and Replacements,
Compressions over 80...#1:79, #2:78, #3:78, #4:79, #5:77, #6:79, #7:79, #8:79, #9:78
Always Professional Maintained and Mostly by Yak Specific Experts like GESOCO, M-14P, etc.
Excellent Log Books,
Bruce’s Custom Cover and Tool Kit Included,
Excellent introductory aerobatic aircraft that is both economical to operate and easy to fly!
While believed to be correct, all specifications are subject to buyer’s verification