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Two owners since new, always hangared. No damage history. Complete logs. 100Kts on 4.5 gallons per hour. A great way to learn to fly. Half the fuel burn of a 172 and "nearly" the same speed.
Two owners since new, always hangared. No damage history. Complete logs. 100Kts on 4.5 gallons per hour. A great way to learn to fly. Half the fuel burn of a 172 and "nearly" the same speed.
Engine Time: 352 Hours SMOH on 100 HP Rotax 912 (2000 TBO)
Bare composite surfaces on side panels and floors. Tan leather seats with high backs, adjustable. Very good condition. Overall rated 9 out of 10.
Overall bright white composit and kevlar with dark green major and grey minor accents in traditional factory scheme. Overall rated 9 out of 10.
Annual Due: Febuary 2022