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1978 Beechcraft 95-B55 Baron N51KA, AFTT: 3778.8, Continental IO-470-L LE SMOH: 1017.4, RE SMOH: 832.3
1978 Beechcraft 95-B55 Baron N51KA, AFTT: 3778.8, Continental IO-470-L LE SMOH: 1017.4, RE SMOH: 832.3
1978 Beechcraft 95-B55 Baron N51KA, AFTT: 3778.8, Continental IO-470-L LE SMOH: 1017.4, RE SMOH: 832.3, Hartzell 3 Blade Props SMOH 227.9, Dual Garmin 430W, GTX 345, KFC 200 w/ FD, King 55A, Avidyne EX500 MFD, JPI EDM 760, Great P&I done in 2013, and much more! Located KHEE.
Interior Last Updated/Refurbished In 2012
Exterior Last Painted In 2012