Parcel #425035. 10 acres of forested land with limited undergrowth near the growing city of Cle Elum. Easement access from powerline rd. County documents available upon request. A good opportunity for a pilot to have easy access to an airport to commute to Seattle/Spokane
Parcel #425035. 10 acres of forested land with limited undergrowth near the growing city of Cle Elum. Easement access from powerline rd. County documents available upon request. A good opportunity for a pilot to have easy access to an airport to commute to Seattle/Spokane
More information about the airport at:
The runway is designed for aircraft in the category of B-1 (small) ARC which is aircraft less than 12,500 pounds and the design aircraft is a Beech King Air B100 with a maximum takeoff weight of 5,352 pounds. The runway has been raised 10” from its previous elevation and now includes 5” of crushed rock sub-base, 3” of crushed rock base with 2” of asphalt on top. The electrical system has been completely upgraded and includes all new wiring, runway edge lights, runway end threshold lights, REILS and PAPI’s. The rotating beacon and lighted wind sock remain and have not been distributed.