6.92 acres (lots 61&62 ) on Bull Shoals lake in Webb's Landing private grass airstrip community! Stunning view with Corp of Engineers south of property lines and on opposite shoreline. Lake access via the communities private boat slips as well as protected cove that is easily navigate able by kayak. Have electric and cable/phone already in place. Have approx. 570 feet of road frontage and approx. 780 ft. from road to lake. Perc test has been done for both lots.
6.92 acres (lots 61&62 ) on Bull Shoals lake in Webb's Landing private grass airstrip community! Stunning view with Corp of Engineers south of property lines and on opposite shoreline. Lake access via the communities private boat slips as well as protected cove that is easily navigate able by kayak. Have electric and cable/phone already in place. Have approx. 570 feet of road frontage and approx. 780 ft. from road to lake. Perc test has been done for both lots.
Private use. Permission required prior to landing.