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      Posted by Robert Riter Updated 3/20/2025

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      For SaleMAKE OFFER

      What is the standard for success as a flight instructor? Is there a guiding philosophy under which we flight instructors should operate? This story covers this topic with the experience of 30 years of being a flight instructor. Our students that we train can be harmed by the smallest of things. Such as a broken piece of plastic. I have found that forgiveness as a flight instructor is the best training device. I pray that this article may help my fellow CFI’s to train the best pilots!

      Posted by Robert Riter Updated 3/20/2025

      What is the standard for success as a flight instructor? Is there a guiding philosophy under which we flight instructors should operate? This story covers this topic with the experience of 30 years of being a flight instructor. Our students that we train can be harmed by the smallest of things. Such as a broken piece of plastic. I have found that forgiveness as a flight instructor is the best training device. I pray that this article may help my fellow CFI’s to train the best pilots!


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        United States
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      Seller Information

      Name: Robert Riter
      Title: Chief Pilot
      Company: Riter Aviation
      Address: 8756 East Hollyhock Lane
       Hereford, AZ 85615

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